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Are you concerned that your child(ren) may not be receiving the best care in your absence, from your ex-partner or another caregiver? Or are you worried that your child is engaging in anti-social behaviour, influenced by others? We are able to help with these concerns using unobtrusive, discreet surveillance. The evidence that we provide to you may then be used in custody or court hearings.
When a relationship or a marriage breaks down, the division of a life built together is stressful and traumatic, even if both parties remain amicable.
So when children are involved, and legal battles ensue as to where and when and how the children spend there time between home, both parents often find themselves caught up in a battle to decide what and who is right, and the situation can become intense and challenging.
In some cases, both parties can easily come to a mutual agreement of whats best for the children, which often follows on from patterns in the existing family unit, making the separation agreement relatively painless.
But when one parent wants full or partial custody, and or financial stressors come into play, legal action may be required because a mutual agreement cannot be reached.
Investigators come into play here in the separation process, when one or both parents may have reservations, this could be in regards to the care of the child or children in question, their welfare, or environment.
The most frequent concerns we see are:
+Unease that your ex partner may not be providing safe, appropriate and adequate care when the child is in their custody. This isn’t always as extreme as it sounds, it could be behaviour such a dangerous driving, the inability to provide decent meals or basic parenting skills.
+The suspicion of grosser mistreatment, this could be grievous harm, abuse, abandonment or severe neglect.
+Concerns to substances being abused whilst in their care. Drug and alcohol misuse is common, and addiction and substance misuse can often spike around times of trauma, so separation and divorce can often feed into these cycles.
+Is the time spent actually spent with the child, or are they being left in the care of other family members or friends? Is your former partner subjecting your child to questionable associates, are they capable of providing adequate childcare when they can’t. Or are they being left in the care of their new partner.
+Maybe your former spouse is deliberately miss guiding information about their income or financial standing in order to gain father financial support from you or pay less in child support.
If the time comes when evidence is needed in court to prove your side or otherwise, then it is your responsibility to provide proof of these allegations.
Unfit parents can often present themselves as compliant, competent and functioning when appearing before a court. In the knowledge that the stakes are high, will ensure they do not provide you with any relevant ammunition to be able too help your case, often concealing the elements of their lifestyle that would prove them unstable full time or even part time parents.
This is where we come in…
A private investigators objective findings and if necessary, video/photo surveillance will always have more standing and credentials in court.
We can help with elements such as unobtrusive surveillance, background checks, asset checks and general evidence gathering. We have the upper hand in our knowledge of the legal requirements, plus an objective and less emotional attachment to the case which allows us to go about our work in an ethical and professional manner.
It is worth baring in mind when hiring an investigator in these cases, that if your aim is to prove you ex partner is an unfit parent, they are well within their means and rights to also be hiring someone too look into you also or disprove any of the allegations.
The goal of any child custody investigation is to ensure the safety and wellbeing of your children. We understand that your Childs best interests are paramount to you, and therefore our priority also.
Custody battles are highly traumatic and stressful. All our work is undertaken with absolute discretion, sensitivity and confidentiality.